Funded Research Projects

Major Research Projects

2023-2026, PI, Enhance Resilience Capacity for Disadvantaged Communities and Tribes in the Midwest Region through Promoting Post-disaster Recovery Effectiveness in Social Equity and Economic Development,   Funding Agency: North Carolina A&T University (Prime Sponsor: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)  

2024-2025, PI, Disaster Risk Awareness and Housing Resilience Planning for the Most Impacted and Distressed (HUD-MID) areas in Nebraska, Funding Agency: Nebraska Department of Economic Development (Prime Sponsor: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development)

2023-2026, PI, Enhancing Conservation Easement Decisions in Nebraska: Using Sentinel Satellite Imageries to Map Watershed Inundation and Prioritize Potential Conservation Areas, Funded by USDA

2022-2024, Co-PI, Destination Knox County, Nebraska: Tourism Planning and Strategic Placemaking, Funded by USDA

2023-2024, Co-PI, Assessment of Truck Parking Demand and Safety During Normal and Severe Weather Conditions in Nebraska, Funded by Nebraska Department of Transportation

2022-2023, PI, Community Planning for Southeast Nebraska, Funded by Southeast Nebraska Development District

2022-2023, Co-PI, Food Security Planning for Southeast Nebraska, Funded by Southeast Nebraska Development District

2022-2024, PI, Promote the integration of wetland protection and restoration with multiple types of state-level plans, Funded by US EPA

2022-2024, PI, Develop a near real-time tool for playa wetland conservation and flood mitigation, Funded by US EPA

2021-2023, PI, Develop a near real-time monitoring tool from the Sentinel satellites for conservation easements in Nebraska, Funded by USDA

2019-2022, PI, Developing Wireless-based Sensor Network for Monitoring and Evaluating Salinity Status, Hydrological Interaction, and Vegetation Community,   Funded by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency  

2019-2020, PI, Enhance the Existing INSIGHT Framework with New Planning Tools for Integrated Water Resources Management,   Funded by Nebraska Department of Natural Resources

2017-2020, PI, Integrating Wetland Conservation into Local Plans,   Funded by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

2017-2018, PI, Building Data-Driven Web for the INSIGHT,   Funded by Nebraska Department of Natural Resources

2017-2018, PI, Improving Green Infrastructure Training and Assistance for Omaha’s Workforces, Students, and Residents,   Funded by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

2016-2019, PI, Innovative Technology (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) for Environmental Monitoring and Assessment,   Funded by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

2016-2018, CO-PI, Increasing the Capacity for Municipal Climate Adaptation Planning in the Lower Missouri River Basin States,   Funded by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

2016-2018, PI, Using Ground Penetrating Radar to Map Sediment Vertical Profile for Restoration Decision Making,   Funded by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

2015-2016, CO-PI, Improving INSIGHT to Serve Broader Needs for Stakeholders,   Funded by Nebraska Department of Natural Resources

2015-2016, PI, Incorporating User Experience to INSIGHT & Framing a Next-Generational Nebraska Geohydrologic Data Hub,   Funded by Nebraska Department of Natural Resources

2015-2016, PI, Develop a Hydrological Geodatabase for WMAs and WPAs,   Funded by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

2015-2016, PI, Develop A Climate-Wetland Vulnerability Assessment Model to Evaluate Playa Wetland Response to Climate Variability ,   Funded by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

2014-2017, Senior Personnel,  Influence of Climate and Agricultural Clustering On Groundwater Contamination by Trace Organics,  Funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (A National Science Foundation/U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food Agriculture (NIFA) Joint Program)

2014-2015,  PI, Upgrade INSIGHT to an Advanced Web-GIS Platform, Funded by Nebraska Department of Natural Resources

2014-2015, PI, Develop an Interactive Mobile Information Platform to Promote Wetland Education and Outreach,
Funded by U.S.   Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

2013-2014, PI, Use LiDAR to Assess the Effectiveness of Grass Plantings and Buffers on Playa Natural Inundation and Sedimentation Control in the Rainwater Basin, Funded by the Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative (U.S. Department of Interior)

2012-2014, PI, Use RUSLE2 to Assess Sedimentation and Water Quality Conditions in the Rainwater Basin’s Playa Wetlands, Funded by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)  

2012-2014, PI, Building a Living Laboratory and an Evidence-Based Education Toolkit to Improve Omaha’s Urban Water Quality, Funded by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)  

2012-2013, PI, Using Social Media and Social Network to Promote Nebraskans’ Public Education and Behavior Changes in Litter Reduction and Recycling, Funded by Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality

2012-2013, PI, Analysis of Basin Consumptive Water Use, Funded by Nebraska Department of Natural Resources

2011-2012, PI, Use Social Media to Promote Nebraska's Waste Recycling Programs Funded by Nebraska Environmental Trust  

2010-2011, PI, Developing LiDAR-Derived Wetland Maps To Assess Conservation Design Practices For Playa Wetlands In Rainwater Basin, Funded by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)